How does Pet Tech Pro measure up to other software?

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    A: Compared to other products, Pet Tech Pro just makes good business and operational sense, for many reasons:

    * Pet Tech Pro is subscription based – You pay for the service on a monthly subscription basis. There are no upfront software purchase fees. You are not charged for upgrades. The cost of hosting, backups, fully redundant network / bandwidth connections, server maintenance and monitoring, security is all included in the simple monthly subscription. This makes for predictable easy-to-budget monthly costs.

    * Pet Tech Pro is cost-effective. It brings the power of some of the most sophisticated pet care management software available within the reach of the average pet care operator. Consider the savings you will make by avoiding the need to buy and maintain expensive IT hardware, undertake constant periodic upgrades, ensure virus updates, scheduling and running and checking backups, UPS, operating system upgrades, downtime due to software upgrades, the time wasted through lack or unavailability of tech support in an Australia business friendly time zone. All of this cost becomes unnecessary and wasted, when it can instead be can be saved and applied to help power your business and achieve real productivity and efficiency. The result is real savings. The best part is: you just run your business, while we take care of the IT.

    * No hassles software upgrades. We take care of all upgrades. With Pet Tech Pro you always get the latest software version and security updates automatically – it just happens – no need to spend time updating each of your computers. We’ll let you know when there’s an upgrade and what’s involved. Upgrades will always be scheduled for out of business hours to prevent impacts on our customers – your – access to Pet Tech Pro.

    * Pet Tech Pro is secure – Pet Tech Pro offers your business data multiple layers of protection – industrial strength security of Raid 10 where your data is saved to multiple hard drives simultaneously, multiple daily backups, nighty backup, weekly backup, and monthly offsite backup to our remote interstate Network Attached Storage service for disaster recovery, as well as state of the art 24/7 monitoring and server hardware and software maintenance.

    * Quick and easy to start using – After initial sign-up, we can help you set up and configure your system so it is compatible with the way your business functions today. We can help you setup users and permissions, help upload legacy data, and train your staff if required. And, anytime you have a question our support forum and technical support is available to help.

    We walk the talk – we use Pet Tech Pro, My Pet Space and our other products ourselves and rely on them daily in our own boarding kennel and cattery operations. We designed and rely on Pet Tech Pro to get the work done faster and smarter.

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by brad.
    • This topic was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by brad.
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